Risk Partner

In April 2024, the Anthias Labs team began working with Ionic lending protocol as a risk partner, working on risk monitoring tooling, asset parameterization recommendations, and more, ensuring the proper tooling and risk controls are continually in place for the Ionic market to function healthily.

Argo Network

Our team launched Argo Network, the knowledge hub for everything surrounding restaking, in February of 2024. Through Argo, our team works closely with a number of LRT Protocols, Actively Validated Services (AVSs), and Node Operators on areas including risk, data analysis, growth, and strategy.

Anthias Labs AMM Paper

In March of 2024, the Anthias Labs team released a comprehensive report on the modern landscape of AMM's, elucidating liquidity providers' exposure to volatility and simulating the effects of volatility and impermanent loss.

Liquidation Dashboard Integration

We created our initial dashboard in June of 2022 to monitor liquidation health on Aave after the Terra/Luna collapse. We completed our first grant for Aave in October of 2022. In this grant, we expanded our initial Aave dashboard to allow users to view historical liquidation health data in order develop an even clearer picture around market risk.

Liquidation Health Dashboard

We were approved for our first integration with Compound V2 and V3 in March of 2023. This grant is to integrate our initial liquidation health dashboard with both Compound V2 and V3.

VaR (Value at Risk) Integration

Our second Euler grant was completed in January of 2023. With this grant, we expanded our tool suite for Euler to do Value at Risk monitoring and simulations, in-depth asset and health score filtering, and a more granular wallet view to show covariance among assets individual users were borrowing and supplying. *Paused after Euler’s March 2023 hack*

Anthias Labs Liquip Paper

In June of 2023, the Anthias team released the new risk measurement and management methodology we had been working on for nearly six months: the Anthias Liquip Paper. This paper outlines a new method for determining the probability of liquidation for users of a borrowing protocol.

Liquidation Dashboard Integration

We completed our first grant for Euler in September of 2022. This grant was to integrate our initial liquidation health dashboard with Euler. *Paused after Euler’s March 2023 hack*

Market Notification System

Our third grant with Euler was approved in February of 2023. This grant was to build an alert system for the Euler community that would alert users of major compromises to their own positions on Euler as well as the positions of whales that may affect their positions. This grant was halted when Euler suffered its hack in March of 2023; however, we plan to continue its works when Euler launches again.

Liquidation Health Dashboard

We were approved for our first integration with Exactly Protocol in February of 2023. This grant is to integrate our initial liquidation health dashboard with Exactly on both Ethereum and Optimism.

Liquidation Health Dashboard

We were approved for our first integration with UwU Lend in May of 2023 after they saw our work for Compound and Exactly. This grant was to integrate our initial liquidation health dashboard with UwU.

Liquidation Health Dashboard

We created our liquidation health dashboard for Spark Lend in July of 2023 to help Spark users monitor borrowing position health on Spark’s Ethereum-based lending markets.

Liquidation Health Dashboard

We created a liquidation health dashboard for the Venus community in June of 2023. This dashboard helps Venus users monitor borrowing position health on Venus’s Binance-based lending markets.